If one needed an incentive to become involved in one’s State Psychological Association, the opportunity to attend the annual APAPO State Leadership Conference (SLC) would be paramount. SLC has consistently been the highlight of the APA year and this Spring 400-500 dedicated colleagues heard inspirational messages from Executive Director Katherine Nordal and psychologists Congressman Tim Murphy and former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. Ted was the first psychologist elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and is currently running for the U.S. Senate. Early Career Psychologists (ECP), first time attendees, and graduate students were visibly evident. The “changing of the guard” is upon us. A former Chair of APAGS announced his candidacy for the APA Presidency and the Division’s Le Ondra Clark Harvey received an APA Presidential Citation from Susan McDaniel, highlighting her passionate commitment to mentoring ECPs engaging in important social justice agendas. David Ballard hosted the 11th Annual Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards ceremony. Special congratulations to our Ohio colleagues for their numerous accomplishments.
It was particularly moving to see Interim CEO Cynthia Belar. Cynthia is one of the profession’s gifted visionaries who has long fostered the interaction of science and practice for the public interest, which is critical for psychology’s future. This year the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) accepted nine new members, thereby expanding its representation of associations of schools of the health professions to 15 professions. Established in 2009 by six organizations, IPEC is committed to advancing interprofessional learning experiences and promoting team-based care (a fundamental element of President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)). The founding members include the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Dental Education Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, and the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health. The newest members are the APA and the training leadership of Podiatric Medicine, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Veterinary Medicine, Optometry, Allied Health, Social Work, and Physician Assistants. IPEC’s mission is to ensure that our nation’s health care professionals become proficient in the competencies essential for patient-centered, community and population oriented, interprofessional, collaborative practice. For psychology, this represents “integrated care.”
The SLC training sessions for the subsequent Hill visits stressed the critical nature of constituent presence. Currently, 54 Senators and 36% of the House of Representatives have law degrees, with business backgrounds being very popular in the House. We would suggest that each state association should seriously explore developing collaborative activities with their local Bar Associations, perhaps with their Family Law sections. Katherine: “This year 30% of SLC attendees are Early Career Psychologists. SLC is a major training ground for leadership and advocacy for students, ECP, and our diversity delegates. YOU are our future leaders and we trust that you will lend a hand to those coming behind you to help groom another cohort of psychology’s leaders. We have brilliant psychologists doing brilliant things, thinking outside of the box, and trying new and innovative ways to practice. We are building a positive future for professional psychology.” In keeping with this exciting evolution, Neal Morris, President of Division 55, noted that his convention program co-chairs, Joanna Sells and Omni Cassidy, are graduate students at USUHS. Mahalo to Dan Abrahamson and Susan Lazaroff for their truly inspiring SLC. Aloha,
Pat DeLeon, former APA President – Division 31 – March, 2016